geomc 1.0
A c++ linear algebra template library
No Matches
Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >, including all inherited members.

adopt(const const_iterator &other_subtree, const self_t &insert_before) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
base_t typedef (defined in Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >protected
begin() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
begin() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
clear() constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
const_item_iterator typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
const_iterator typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
const_reference typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
difference_type typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
end() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
end() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
erase(const item_iterator &item, bool *success=nullptr) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
erase(const self_t &child, bool *success=nullptr) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
find_parent(const const_item_iterator &i) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
find_parent(const const_item_iterator &i) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
find_parent(const const_item_iterator &i) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
find_parent(const const_item_iterator &i) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
flatten() constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
global_begin() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
global_begin() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
global_end() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
global_end() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
insert_child_node(const self_t &insert_before, Args &&... args) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
insert_child_node(const NodeItem &obj) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
insert_child_nodes(const self_t &insert_before, NodeItemIterator i_begin, const NodeItemIterator &i_end) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
insert_child_nodes(const NodeItemIterator &i_begin, const NodeItemIterator &i_end) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
insert_item(const item_iterator &insert_before, Args &&... args) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
insert_item(const LeafItem &item) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
insert_items(const item_iterator &insert_before, const LeafItemIterator begin_item, const LeafItemIterator &end_item, index_t *new_item_count=nullptr) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
insert_items(const LeafItemIterator &begin_item, const LeafItemIterator &end_item) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
is_root() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
is_root() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
item_count() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
item_count() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
item_iterator typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
items_begin() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
items_begin() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
items_end() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
items_end() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
iterator typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
iterator_category typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
node_count() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
node_count() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator!=(const self_t &other) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator!=(const self_t &other) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator*() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator*() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator+()SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator+()SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator++()SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator++(int)SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator++()SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator++(int)SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator-()SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator-()SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator--()SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator--(int)SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator--()SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator--(int)SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator->() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator->() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator==(const self_t &other) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
operator==(const self_t &other) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
parent() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
parent() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
pointer typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
query(const Key &key, BoundingFn bound, TestFn test=visit_all_nodes< Key >) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
query(const Key &key, BoundingFn bound, TestFn test=visit_all_nodes< Key >) constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
recalculate_references() const (defined in Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inlineprotected
reference typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
self_t typedef (defined in Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >
split(Func compare, P pivot, Args &&... args) constSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
Subtree(const base_t &other) (defined in Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inlineprotected
Subtree(const NodeRef &root, StorageRef storage) (defined in Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inlineprotected
Subtree(const Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem > &other)=defaultSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >
Subtree() (defined in Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
subtree_begin() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
subtree_begin() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
subtree_end() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
subtree_end() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false > (defined in Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >friend
tree() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
tree() constSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inline
Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem > (defined in Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem >friend
tree_t typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
value_type typedefSubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >
visit_all_leaf_nodes(const self_t &s, const Key &k)SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inlinestatic
visit_all_leaf_nodes(const self_t &s, const Key &k)SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inlinestatic
visit_all_nodes(const self_t &s, const Key &k)SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inlinestatic
visit_all_nodes(const self_t &s, const Key &k)SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false >inlinestatic