geomc 1.0
A c++ linear algebra template library
Rect< T, N > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Rect< T, N >, including all inherited members.

axis(size_t k) constRect< T, N >inline
bounds() const (defined in Rect< T, N >)Rect< T, N >inline
center() constRect< T, N >inline
centered_on(point_t c) constRect< T, N >inline
clip(point_t p) constRect< T, N >inline
contact_vector(const Rect< T, N > &other) constRect< T, N >inline
contains(typename Rect< T, N >::point_t lo, typename Rect< T, N >::point_t hi, typename Rect< T, N >::point_t pt)Rect< T, N >inlinestatic
contains(point_t pt) constRect< T, N >inline
contains(const Rect< T, N > &box) constRect< T, N >inline
convex_support(point_t d) const (defined in Rect< T, N >)Rect< T, N >inline
dilated(point_t c) constRect< T, N >inline
dimensions() constRect< T, N >inline
dist2(point_t p) constRect< T, N >inline
elem_t typedefBounded< T, _N, Derived >
emptyRect< T, N >static
endpoint_measure (defined in Rect< T, N >)Rect< T, N >static
from_center(typename Rect< T, N >::point_t c, typename Rect< T, N >::point_t dims)Rect< T, N >inlinestatic
from_corner(typename Rect< T, N >::point_t corner, typename Rect< T, N >::point_t dims)Rect< T, N >inlinestatic
from_point_sequence(PointIterator begin, PointIterator end)Rect< T, N >inlinestatic
fullRect< T, N >static
hiRect< T, N >
intersect(const Ray< T, N > &r) constRect< T, N >inline
intersects(const Rect< T, N > &box) constRect< T, N >inline
Convex< T, N, Rect< T, N > >::intersects(const Convex< T, N, Shape > &other) constConvex< T, N, Rect< T, N > >inline
is_empty() constRect< T, N >inline
loRect< T, N >
minkowski_sum(const Rect< T, N > &other) constRect< T, N >inline
NBounded< T, _N, Derived >static
normal(Vec< T, N > p) constProjectable< T, N, Rect< T, N > >inline
operator Rect< U, M >() constRect< T, N >inline
operator!=(Rect< T, N > b) constRect< T, N >inline
operator&(const Rect< T, N > &b) constRect< T, N >inline
operator&=(const Rect< T, N > &b)Rect< T, N >inline
operator*(point_t a) constRect< T, N >inline
operator*(const Rect< T, M > &r) constRect< T, N >inline
operator*=(point_t a)Rect< T, N >inline
operator+(point_t dx) constRect< T, N >inline
operator+=(point_t dx)Rect< T, N >inline
operator-(point_t dx) constRect< T, N >inline
operator-(const Rect< T, N > &other)Rect< T, N >inline
operator-=(point_t dx)Rect< T, N >inline
operator-=(const Rect< T, N > &other)Rect< T, N >inline
operator/(point_t a) constRect< T, N >inline
operator/=(point_t a)Rect< T, N >inline
operator==(Rect< T, N > b) constRect< T, N >inline
operator|(const Rect< T, N > &b) constRect< T, N >inline
operator|(const point_t &p)Rect< T, N >inline
operator|=(const Rect< T, N > &b)Rect< T, N >inline
operator|=(const point_t &p)Rect< T, N >inline
point_t typedefRect< T, N >
project(point_t p) constRect< T, N >inline
ptype typedef (defined in Rect< T, N >)Rect< T, N >protected
Rect()Rect< T, N >inline
Rect(point_t lo, point_t hi)Rect< T, N >inline
Rect(point_t p)Rect< T, N >inlineexplicit
remap(point_t s) constRect< T, N >inline
sdf(point_t p) constRect< T, N >inline
set_corners(point_t corner1, point_t corner2)Rect< T, N >inline
set_dimensions(point_t dim)Rect< T, N >inline
signed_unit_intervalRect< T, N >static
spanning_corners(point_t c1, point_t c2)Rect< T, N >inlinestatic
unit_intervalRect< T, N >static
unmap(point_t p) constRect< T, N >inline
volume() constRect< T, N >inline