geomc 1.0
A c++ linear algebra template library
Modules | Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

Shape-related functions and classes. More...


 Metadata about shape classes.


class  Cylinder< T, N >
 An N-dimensional cylinder, given by its radius and endpoints. More...
class  Dilated< Shape >
 A wrapper shape which dilates the extents of another Shape. More...
class  Extrusion< Shape >
 An axis-aligned extrusion of an arbitrary N-1 dimensional Convex shape. More...
class  Frustum< Shape >
 An N-dimensional frustum (truncated pyramid) with an arbitrary Convex shape as its base, and its (possibly excluded) point at the origin. More...
class  GridIterator< T, N, Order >
 Iterator over the integer points in an N-dimensional grid. More...
class  KDTree< T, N, Object, NodeData >
 A hierarchical spatial index. More...
class  Oriented< Shape >
 A wrapper shape which orients another arbitrary shape with an AffineTransform. More...
class  Oriented< Rect< T, N > >
 Partial specialization of Oriented for Rects. More...
class  Plane< T, N >
 A geometric plane or hyperplane. More...
class  Rect< T, N >
 An N-dimensional axis-aligned interval. More...
class  Bounded< T, _N, Derived >
 Base class describing shapes with finite extents in N dimensions. More...
class  Convex< T, N, Derived >
 Base class describing convex shapes in N-dimensional space. More...
class  RayIntersectable< T, N, Derived >
 Base class describing N-dimensional shapes which can be intersection-tested with a Ray. More...
class  SdfEvaluable< T, N, Derived >
 Base class describing N-dimensional shapes which implement a signed distance function. More...
class  Projectable< T, N, Derived >
 Base class describing N-dimensional shapes which implement the ability to project an arbitrary point to the nearest point on their surface. More...
class  AnyConvex< T, N >
 Helper class which virtualizes the static polymorphism of Convex shapes. More...
class  AnyConvexImpl< Shape >
 Implementation of AnyConvex for a specific Shape. More...
class  Sphere< T, N >
 A N-dimensional circle, sphere, or hypersphere. More...
class  Simplex< T, N >
 A simplex in N dimensions (e.g. a tetrahedron, triangle, line, point). More...
class  SphericalSector< T, N >
 A N-dimensional circle, sphere, or hypersphere. More...


#define MAX_KDTREE_ARITY   16


template<typename T , index_t N>
using ViewFrustum = Oriented< Frustum< Rect< T, N-1 > > >
 Convenience typedef for oriented, rectangular, N-dimensional Frustums.
template<typename T , index_t N>
using OrientedRect = Oriented< Rect< T, N > >
 Convenience typedef for oriented Rects.


 Strategy for choosing an axis along which to split a group of objects in a spatial index. More...
enum class  KDPivotChoice { PIVOT_MEAN , PIVOT_MEDIAN }
 Strategy for choosing the pivot value when splitting a group of objects in a spatial index. More...
 Strategy for insertion of an object into an existing tree. More...
 Array traversal order, specified in terms of which axes to increment first. More...


template<typename T , index_t N>
bool gjk_intersect (const AnyConvex< T, N > &shape_a, const AnyConvex< T, N > &shape_b, Vec< T, N > *overlap_axis=NULL)
template<typename T , index_t N>
bool minimal_separation_axis (const AnyConvex< T, N > &shape_a, const AnyConvex< T, N > &shape_b, Vec< T, N > *overlap_axis, double fractional_tolerance=0.001, index_t iteration_limit=-1, bool emit_debug=false)
template<typename Shape >
AnyConvexImpl< Shape > as_any_convex (const Shape &s)
 Wrap s in a virtual class which implements the Convex concept.
template<typename Shape >
Dilated< Shape > dilate (const Shape &s, typename Shape::elem_t dilation)
 Dilate the shape s by the amount dilation.
template<typename Shape >
Dilated< Shape > dilate (const Dilated< Shape > &s, typename Shape::elem_t dilation)
 Dilate the shape s by the amount dilation.
template<typename T , index_t N>
Plane< T, Ndilate (Plane< T, N > p, T dilation)
 Dilate the Plane p by the amount dilation. More...
template<typename T , index_t N>
Sphere< T, Ndilate (const Sphere< T, N > &s, T dilation)
 Dilate the Sphere s by the amount dilation. More...
template<typename Shape >
Extrusion< Shape > extrude (const Shape &s, typename Shape::elem_t h0, typename Shape::elem_t h1)
 Convenience function to extrude the shape s between heights h0 and h1 by wrapping s in the Extrusion template.
template<typename Shape >
Frustum< Shape > frustum (const Shape &s, typename Shape::elem_t h0, typename Shape::elem_t h1)
 Convenience function to raise the shape s into a frustum between heights h0 and h1, by wrapping s in the Frustum template.
template<typename Shape >
Oriented< Shape > operator* (const AffineTransform< typename Shape::elem_t, Shape::N > &xf, const Shape &s)
 Transform the shape s by wrapping it in an Oriented class.
template<typename Shape >
Oriented< Shape > operator* (const AffineTransform< typename Shape::elem_t, Shape::N > &xf, const Oriented< Shape > &s)
 Transform the oriented shape s by xf.
template<typename Shape >
Oriented< Shape > & operator*= (Oriented< Shape > &s, const AffineTransform< typename Shape::elem_t, Shape::N > &xf)
 In-place transform the oriented shape s by xf.
template<typename Shape >
Oriented< Shape > operator/ (const Shape &s, const AffineTransform< typename Shape::elem_t, Shape::N > &xf)
 Transform the shape s by the inverse of xf.
template<typename Shape >
Oriented< Shape > operator/ (const Oriented< Shape > &s, const AffineTransform< typename Shape::elem_t, Shape::N > &xf)
 Transform the oriented shape s by the inverse of xf.
template<typename Shape >
Oriented< Shape > & operator/= (Oriented< Shape > &s, const AffineTransform< typename Shape::elem_t, Shape::N > &xf)
 In-place transform the oriented shape s by the inverse of xf.

Detailed Description

Shape-related functions and classes.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ArrayOrder

enum ArrayOrder

Array traversal order, specified in terms of which axes to increment first.


Array traversal by incrementing the first coordinate in the innermost loop.

For matrices, whose coordinates are ordered (row, col), this represens column-major (i.e. "fortran") order. If coordinates are (x, y, ...), then this is row-major order.


Array traversal by incrementing the last coordinate in the innermost loop.

For matrices, whose coordinates are ordered (row, col), this represents row-major (i.e. "C") order. If coordinates are (x, y, ...), then this is column-major order.

◆ KDAxisChoice

enum class KDAxisChoice

Strategy for choosing an axis along which to split a group of objects in a spatial index.


Divide a node along its longest axis.


Divide a node along the axis with the highest position variance.


Divide each node along an axis that cycles with tree depth, starting with the x (first) axis at the root node.

◆ KDInsertionChoice

enum class KDInsertionChoice

Strategy for insertion of an object into an existing tree.


Insert objects into the node that will experience the smallest volume increase as a result of the addition.


Insert objects into the node which is closest.

◆ KDPivotChoice

enum class KDPivotChoice

Strategy for choosing the pivot value when splitting a group of objects in a spatial index.


Split a node at the population average.


Split a node at the population median.

Function Documentation

◆ dilate() [1/2]

Sphere< T, N > dilate ( const Sphere< T, N > &  s,
T  dilation 

Dilate the Sphere s by the amount dilation.

(This just adds the amount dilation to the Sphere's radius).

◆ dilate() [2/2]

Plane< T, N > dilate ( Plane< T, N p,
T  dilation 

Dilate the Plane p by the amount dilation.

(This just moves the plane dilation units along its normal).

◆ gjk_intersect()

bool geom::gjk_intersect ( const AnyConvex< T, N > &  shape_a,
const AnyConvex< T, N > &  shape_b,
Vec< T, N > *  overlap_axis = NULL 

Use the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi algorithm to determine if two convex shapes overlap, and return an axis of overlap.

shape_aA convex shape.
shape_bA convex shape.
overlap_axisAn initial axis along which to test for overlap; upon completion this will be populated with an axis (not necessarily minimal) of overlap or separation. Pass null to choose an arbitrary initial axis.
true if and only if shape_a and shape_b overlap.

◆ minimal_separation_axis()

bool geom::minimal_separation_axis ( const AnyConvex< T, N > &  shape_a,
const AnyConvex< T, N > &  shape_b,
Vec< T, N > *  overlap_axis,
double  fractional_tolerance = 0.001,
index_t  iteration_limit = -1,
bool  emit_debug = false 

Use the Expanding Polytope Algorithm to find a minimum translation vector that would bring shape B into contact with A. If A and B are not interpenetrating the separation axis is undefined.

shape_aA convex shape.
shape_bA convex shape.
overlap_axisAn initial test axis, and return variable for the separation vector.
fractional_toleranceConvergence condition: When the magnitude of the difference between iterations is less than this fraction of the total separation, terminate the algorithm.
iteration_limitHard limit on number of convergence iterations. Pass -1 (default) to impose no hard limit.
true if and only if the two shapes overlap.