geomc 1.0
A c++ linear algebra template library
No Matches
Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >, including all inherited members.

begin()Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
begin() constTree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
ConstSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem > (defined in Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >friend
end()Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
end() constTree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
item_count() constTree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
operator!=(const Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem > &other) constTree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
operator==(const Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem > &other) constTree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
recalculate_tree() (defined in Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inlineprotected
root()Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
root() constTree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
size() constTree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
subtree(ConstSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem > &i)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
Subtree< NodeItem, LeafItem > (defined in Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >friend
SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, false > (defined in Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >friend
SubtreeBase< NodeItem, LeafItem, true > (defined in Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >friend
Tree()Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
Tree(Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem > &&other)=defaultTree< NodeItem, LeafItem >
Tree(LeafItemIterator begin, LeafItemIterator end)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
Tree(const Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem > &other)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
Tree(const ConstSubtree< NodeItem, LeafItem > &other)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inline
update_boundary_items(NodeRef leaf, ItemRef new_first, ItemRef new_last, index_t delta_items) (defined in Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >)Tree< NodeItem, LeafItem >inlineprotected