geomc 1.0
A c++ linear algebra template library
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geom::InteriorMeasurableObject Concept Reference

A shape which can measure its interior region. More...

#include <geomc/shape/ShapeTypes.h>

Concept definition

template<typename Shape>
requires (const Shape& s)
{ s.measure_interior() } -> std::convertible_to<typename Shape::elem_t>;
Concept for an object or operation that exists in a certain dimension with a certain coordinate type.
Definition LinalgTypes.h:338
A shape which can measure its interior region.
Definition ShapeTypes.h:212

Detailed Description

A shape which can measure its interior region.

For a 2D shape, this is the area; for a 3D shape, this is the volume; higher-dimensional shapes measure their hypervolumes.

These methods avoid the use of "area" and "volume" in their names to avoid confusion with the measure_boundary() method. ("Area" would measure the interior of a 2D shape, but the boundary of a 3D shape).