geomc 1.0
A c++ linear algebra template library
No Matches

Linear algebra functions and classes. More...


 Matrix-related functions and classes.


class  AffineTransform< T, N >
 Affine transformation class. More...
struct  Dimensional< T, _N >
 Represents an object or operation that exists in a certain dimension with a certain coordinate type. More...
class  Isometry< T, N >
 A rigid rotation and translation. More...
class  Quat< T >
 Quaternion class. More...
class  Ray< T, N >
 Ray class. More...
class  Rotation< T, N >
 A rotation in N-dimensional space. More...
class  Rotation< T, 2 >
 2D rotation. More...
class  Rotation< T, 3 >
 3D rotation. More...
class  Similarity< T, N >
 A similarity transform, which is a rotation, scaling, and translation. More...
class  Vec< T, N >
 A tuple of N elements of type T. More...
class  Vec< T, 2 >
 2D specialization of vector class. More...
class  Vec< T, 3 >
 3D specialization of vector class. More...
class  Vec< T, 4 >
 4D specialization of vector class. More...


template<typename T, index_t N>
Isometry< T, Nmix (T s, const Isometry< T, N > &a, const Isometry< T, N > &b)
 Continuously interpolate two isometries.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Similarity< T, N > mix (T s, const Similarity< T, N > &a, const Similarity< T, N > &b)
 Interpolate between two similarity transforms. It is invalid to interpolate between two similarity transforms with different signs.
template<typename T>
Rotation< T, 2 > mix (T s, const Rotation< T, 2 > &a, const Rotation< T, 2 > &b)
 Minimally interpolate two rotations.
template<typename T>
Rotation< T, 3 > mix (T s, const Rotation< T, 3 > &a, const Rotation< T, 3 > &b)
 Minimally interpolate two rotations.
template<typename T, index_t N>
bool nullspace (const Vec< T, N > bases[], index_t n, Vec< T, N > null_basis[])
 Compute the null space of a vector basis.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Isometry< T, Noperator* (const Isometry< T, N > &xf, T s)
 Scale the magnitude of an isometry.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Isometry< T, Noperator* (T s, const Isometry< T, N > &xf)
 Scale the magnitude of an isometry. A scale of 0 produces an identity transform. Applying a scale of 1 to an isometry results in no change.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Ray< T, Noperator* (const Isometry< T, N > &xf, const Ray< T, N > &ray)
 Transform a ray.
template<typename T, index_t N>
PointType< T, N >::point_t operator* (const Ray< T, N > r, T s)
template<typename T, index_t N>
Ray< T, Noperator* (const Rotation< T, N > &rot, Ray< T, N > ray)
 Apply a rotation to a ray.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Ray< T, Noperator* (const Similarity< T, N > &i, const Ray< T, N > &ray)
 Transform a ray.
template<typename T, index_t N>
PointType< T, N >::point_t operator* (T s, const Ray< T, N > r)
template<typename T, index_t N>
Isometry< T, N > operator* (const Isometry< T, N > &i, const Rotation< T, N > &r)
 Apply an isometry to a rotation.
template<typename T>
Rotation< T, 2 > operator* (const Rotation< T, 2 > &o, T s)
 Extend a rotation.
template<typename T>
Rotation< T, 3 > operator* (const Rotation< T, 3 > &o, T s)
 Extend a rotation.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Isometry< T, N > operator* (const Rotation< T, N > &r, const Isometry< T, N > &i)
 Apply a rotation to an isometry.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Similarity< T, N > operator* (const Rotation< T, N > &r, const Similarity< T, N > &i)
 Apply a rotation to a similarity.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Similarity< T, N > operator* (const Similarity< T, N > &i, const Rotation< T, N > &r)
 Apply a similarity to a rotation.
template<typename T>
Rotation< T, 2 > operator* (T s, const Rotation< T, 2 > &o)
 Extend a rotation.
template<typename T>
Rotation< T, 3 > operator* (T s, const Rotation< T, 3 > &o)
 Extend a rotation.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Isometry< T, Noperator+ (const Isometry< T, N > &i, const Vec< T, N > &v)
 Apply a translation to an isometry.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Isometry< T, Noperator+ (const Vec< T, N > &v, const Isometry< T, N > &i)
 Apply a translation to an isometry.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Similarity< T, Noperator+ (const Similarity< T, N > &i, const Vec< T, N > &v)
 Apply a translation to a similarity.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Similarity< T, Noperator+ (const Vec< T, N > &v, const Similarity< T, N > &i)
 Apply a translation to a similarity.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Vec< T, Noperator/ (const Vec< T, N > &v, const Isometry< T, N > &i)
 Transform a point.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Ray< T, Noperator/ (const Ray< T, N > &ray, const Isometry< T, N > &xf)
 Inverse-transform a ray.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Ray< T, Noperator/ (const Ray< T, N > &ray, const Similarity< T, N > &i)
 Inverse-transform a ray.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Ray< T, Noperator/ (Ray< T, N > ray, const Rotation< T, N > &rot)
 Apply the inverse of a rotation to a ray.
template<typename T>
Vec< T, 2 > operator/ (const Vec< T, 2 > &v, const Rotation< T, 2 > &r)
 Apply the inverse of a rotation to a vector.
template<typename T>
Vec< T, 3 > operator/ (const Vec< T, 3 > &v, const Rotation< T, 3 > &r)
 Apply the inverse of a rotation to a vector.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Vec< T, Noperator/ (const Vec< T, N > &v, const Similarity< T, N > &i)
 Transform a point.
template<typename T>
Vec< T, 2 > orthogonal (const Vec< T, 2 > v[1])
template<typename T>
Vec< T, 3 > orthogonal (const Vec< T, 3 > v[2])
template<typename T, index_t N>
Vec< T, N > orthogonal (const Vec< T, N > v[N-1])
 Return a vector orthogonal to the given N-1 vectors.
template<typename T>
void orthogonalize (Vec< T, 2 > basis[2], index_t _n=2)
template<typename T, index_t N>
void orthogonalize (Vec< T, N > basis[], index_t n)
 Use the Gram-Schmidt process to orthogonalize a set of basis vectors.
template<typename T, index_t N>
void orthonormalize (Vec< T, N > basis[], index_t n)
 Use the Gram-Schmidt process to orthonormalize a set of basis vectors.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Vec< T, N > project_to_orthogonal_subspace (const Vec< T, N > bases[], Vec< T, N > x, index_t n)
 Project a vector onto an orthogonal subspace.
template<typename T, index_t N>
Vec< T, N > project_to_subspace (Vec< T, N > bases[], Vec< T, N > x, index_t n)
 Project a vector onto a non-orthogonal subspace.
template<typename T, bool RowMajor>
bool cholesky (T *m, index_t n)
 Perform a Cholesky decomposition on a bare array.
template<typename T, index_t M, index_t N>
bool cholesky (SimpleMatrix< T, M, N > *m)
 Perform a Cholesky decomposition on a Matrix.
template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
index_t decomp_lup (T *m, index_t rows, index_t cols, index_t *reorder, bool *parity)
 LU decomposition, pivoting columns.
template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
index_t decomp_plu (T *m, index_t rows, index_t cols, index_t *reorder, bool *parity)
 LU decomposition, pivoting rows.
template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
void backsolve_plu (const T *plu, const index_t *p, index_t n, index_t m, T *x, const T *b, index_t skip=0)
 Solve the decomposed matrix equation LUX = PB for X, given LU and B.
template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
void backsolve_lu (const T *lu, index_t n, index_t m, T *x, index_t skip=0)
 Solve a decomposed system of linear equations LUX = B, without a permutation map.
template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
bool linear_solve (T *a, index_t n, index_t m, T *x, index_t skip=0)
 Solve the matrix equation AX = B for the matrix X, given matrices A and B.
template<typename T, index_t N>
bool linear_solve (Vec< T, N > bases[N], index_t m, Vec< T, N > *x, index_t skip=0)
 Write each vector in b in terms of the basis vectors in bases.

Detailed Description

Linear algebra functions and classes.

Function Documentation

◆ backsolve_lu()

template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
void backsolve_lu ( const T * lu,
index_t n,
index_t m,
T * x,
index_t skip = 0 )

Solve a decomposed system of linear equations LUX = B, without a permutation map.

X and B are n × m matrices.

Template Parameters
TThe element type of the matrix.
RowMajorWhether the layout of the matrix is row-major (true) or column-major (false).
luAn n × n LU-decomposed matrix.
nThe number of rows and columns in the matrix.
mThe number of columns in x to solve for.
xThe solution vector of n elements. This must be initialized to the value of B, and will be rewritten to contain the solution x.
skipHow many variables, in order from the first, to skip solving for. If greater than 0, the corresponding variables within x will contain nonsense values.

◆ backsolve_plu()

template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
void backsolve_plu ( const T * plu,
const index_t * p,
index_t n,
index_t m,
T * x,
const T * b,
index_t skip = 0 )

Solve the decomposed matrix equation LUX = PB for X, given LU and B.

Template Parameters
TThe element type of the matrix.
RowMajorWhether the layout of the matrix is row-major (true) or column-major (false).
pluAn n × n PLU-decomposed matrix.
pThe permutation array of row-sources filled by decomp_plu().
nThe number of rows and columns in the matrix.
mThe number of solution columns.
xThe solution matrix of n × m elements, having the same row- or column-major layout as m.
bA matrix of n × m elements, having the same layout as x.
skipHow many rows in X, in order from the first, to skip solving for. If greater than 0, the corresponding rows within X will contain nonsense values.

◆ cholesky() [1/2]

template<typename T, index_t M, index_t N>
bool cholesky ( SimpleMatrix< T, M, N > * m)

Perform a Cholesky decomposition on a Matrix.

Perform an in-place Cholesky decomposition on the given square positive-definite matrix A, producing a lower-triangular matrix M such that (M * MT) = A.

Template Parameters
TElement type of the matrix.
MNumber of rows in the matrix. Must either match N or be dynamic (0).
NNumber of columns in the matrix. Must either match M or be dynamic (0).
mA square positive-definite matrix.
False if the matrix is not square, not positive-definite, or could not be decomposed due to ill-conditioning; true if the decomposition was completed successfully.

◆ cholesky() [2/2]

template<typename T, bool RowMajor>
bool cholesky ( T * m,
index_t n )

Perform a Cholesky decomposition on a bare array.

Perform an in-place Cholesky decomposition on the given square positive-definite matrix A, producing a lower-triangular matrix M such that (M * MT) = A.

Template Parameters
TElement type.
RowMajorWhether the elements in m are arranged in row-major (true) or column-major (false) order.
mThe elements of the matrix to be decomposed.
nThe number of rows/columns in the matrix to be decomposed.
True if the decomposition could be completed; false if the matrix was not positive-definite or ill-conditioned.

◆ decomp_lup()

template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
index_t decomp_lup ( T * m,
index_t rows,
index_t cols,
index_t * reorder,
bool * parity )

LU decomposition, pivoting columns.

Solve LU = MP for the lower- and upper-triangular matrices L and U and a permutation matrix P. The diagonal of the decomposed matrix belongs to U and has arbitrary elements. The diagonals of L are implicitly ones.

Template Parameters
TThe element type of the matrix.
RowMajorWhether the layout of the matrix is row-major (true) or column-major (false).
mArray of elements to decompose.
rowsNumber of rows in m.
colsNumber of columns in m.
reorderArray with space for cols elements to be filled with the column source indexes. May be null.
parityWhether an odd number of column-swaps was performed.
The number of degenerate columns discovered.

◆ decomp_plu()

template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
index_t decomp_plu ( T * m,
index_t rows,
index_t cols,
index_t * reorder,
bool * parity )

LU decomposition, pivoting rows.

Solve LU = PM for the lower- and upper-triangular matrices L and U and a permutation matrix P. The diagonal of the decomposed matrix belongs to U and has arbitrary elements. The diagonals of L are implicitly ones.

Template Parameters
TThe element type of the matrix.
RowMajorWhether the layout of the matrix is row-major (true) or column-major (false).
mArray of elements to decompose.
rowsNumber of rows in m.
colsNumber of columns in m.
reorderArray with space for rows elements to be filled with the row source indexes. May be null.
parityWhether an odd number of row-swaps was performed.
The number of degenerate rows discovered.

◆ linear_solve() [1/2]

template<typename T, bool RowMajor = true>
bool linear_solve ( T * a,
index_t n,
index_t m,
T * x,
index_t skip = 0 )

Solve the matrix equation AX = B for the matrix X, given matrices A and B.

Template Parameters
TThe element type of the matrix.
RowMajorWhether the layout of the matrix is row-major (true) or column-major (false).
aA buffer of elements in the n × n matrix A. This array will be altered during the solution process, so pass a copy if the original needs to remain unchanged.
nThe number of rows in the matrix.
mThe number of columns in X and B.
xThe matrix of n × m initially containing b, which is to be filled with the solution vector x.
skipHow many rows in X, in order from the first, to skip solving for. If greater than 0, the corresponding rows within X will contain nonsense values.
true if a solution could be found; false if the system is degenerate.

◆ linear_solve() [2/2]

template<typename T, index_t N>
bool linear_solve ( Vec< T, N > bases[N],
index_t m,
Vec< T, N > * x,
index_t skip = 0 )

Write each vector in b in terms of the basis vectors in bases.

Return an x_j for each such b_j that sum(bases[i] * x_j[i]) = b_j.

basesAn array of N basis vectors. The contents of this array will be altered during the solution process, so pass a copy if the original array needs to remain unchanged.
mThe number of vectors in x to solve for.
xAn array of m vectors b_j, to be overwritten with the x_j solutions.
skipHow many rows, in order from the first, to skip solving for. If greater than 0, the corresponding variables within each x will contain nonsense values.
true if a solution could be found; false if the system is degenerate.

◆ nullspace()

template<typename T, index_t N>
bool nullspace ( const Vec< T, N > bases[],
index_t n,
Vec< T, N > null_basis[] )

Compute the null space of a vector basis.

The computed null bases will not necessarily be orthogonal to each other. Use orthogonalize() after computing nullspace() if an orthogonal basis is needed.

bases and null_basis may alias each other.

If any of the bases are linearly dependent, null_basis will be filled with N - n zero vectors.

basesArray of n linearly independent basis vectors.
nNumber of basis vectors in the array.
null_basisArray with space to receive N - n output bases, whose dot products with the inputs will all be zero.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename T, index_t N>
PointType< T, N >::point_t operator* ( const Ray< T, N > r,
T s )

Ray multiple.

(r.origin + s * r.direction).

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename T, index_t N>
PointType< T, N >::point_t operator* ( T s,
const Ray< T, N > r )

Ray multiple.

(r.origin + s * r.direction).

◆ orthogonal()

template<typename T, index_t N>
Vec< T, N > orthogonal ( const Vec< T, N > v[N-1])

Return a vector orthogonal to the given N-1 vectors.

If any of the given basis vectors are linearly dependent, the function returns the 0 vector.

vArray of N-1 basis vectors.
A vector normal to all the members of v.

◆ orthogonalize()

template<typename T, index_t N>
void orthogonalize ( Vec< T, N > basis[],
index_t n )

Use the Gram-Schmidt process to orthogonalize a set of basis vectors.

The first basis vector will not change. The remaining vectors may be of arbitrary magnitude, but will be mutually orthogonal to each other and to the first vector.

basisSet of n bases vectors.
nNumber of basis vectors, between 0 and N inclusive.

◆ orthonormalize()

template<typename T, index_t N>
void orthonormalize ( Vec< T, N > basis[],
index_t n )

Use the Gram-Schmidt process to orthonormalize a set of basis vectors.

The first basis vector will not change direction. All vectors will be made mutually orthogonal and unit length.

basisSet of n bases vectors.
nNumber of basis vectors between 0 and N inclusive.

◆ project_to_orthogonal_subspace()

template<typename T, index_t N>
Vec< T, N > project_to_orthogonal_subspace ( const Vec< T, N > bases[],
Vec< T, N > x,
index_t n )

Project a vector onto an orthogonal subspace.

basesArray of n basis vectors.
xVector to project.
nNumber of basis vectors.

◆ project_to_subspace()

template<typename T, index_t N>
Vec< T, N > project_to_subspace ( Vec< T, N > bases[],
Vec< T, N > x,
index_t n )

Project a vector onto a non-orthogonal subspace.

basesArray of n basis vectors. The contents of this array will be altered.
xVector to project in-place.
nNumber of basis vectors.