geomc 1.0
A c++ linear algebra template library
Quaternion class. More...
#include <geomc/linalg/Quaternion.h>
Public Types | |
using | elem_t |
The coordinate type of this object. | |
using | point_t |
The type of a point in this object's space. | |
typedef Quat< T > | self_t |
Self type. I.e., Vec<T,N> if a vector, Quat<T> if a quaternion. | |
Public Member Functions | |
Quat () | |
Construct a quaternion with all elements 0. | |
Quat (const std::initializer_list< T > &items) | |
Quat (const T v[4]) | |
Construct a quaternion from the contents of the 4-element array v | |
Quat (const Vec< T, 3 > &v, T w) | |
Construct a quaternion with vector part v and real part w . | |
Quat (const Vec< T, 4 > &v) | |
Construct a quaternion from the 4D vector v . | |
Quat (T x, T y, T z, T w) | |
Construct a quaternion with elements (x, y, z, w) | |
self_t | abs () const |
Element-wise absolute value. | |
self_t | add (const self_t &v) const |
Vector addition. | |
self_t | align (const self_t &from, const self_t &to) const |
Apply a rotation to this which aligns the unit vectors from with to . | |
T | angle () const |
T | angle_to (const self_t &v) const |
Angle between vectors. | |
index_t | argmax () const |
Return the index of the coordinate with the largest absolute value. | |
index_t | argmin () const |
Return the index of the coordinate with the smallest absolute value. | |
T * | begin () |
const T * | begin () const |
self_t | bounce_on (const self_t &normal) const |
Elastic collision. | |
self_t | ceil () const |
Element-wise ceiling function. | |
self_t | clamp (const self_t &lo, const self_t &hi) const |
Element-wise clamp. | |
Quat< T > | conj () const |
The complex conjugate of this quaternion; also the inverse rotation. | |
T | dist (const self_t &pt) const |
Distance between points. | |
T | dist2 (const self_t &pt) const |
Distance squared to a point. | |
T | dot (const self_t &v) const |
Dot product. | |
T * | end () |
const T * | end () const |
Quat< T > | exp () const |
Quaternion exponential e q . | |
self_t | floor () const |
Element-wise floor function. | |
T | fraction_on (const self_t &axis) const |
Return the component of this that projects to axis , as a fraction of axis's length. | |
T & | get (index_t idx) |
const T & | get (index_t idx) const |
Vec< T, 3 > | imag () const |
The vector part of this quaternion. | |
bool | is_zero () const |
Return true if all elements are zero. | |
Quat< T > | log () const |
Quaternion natural log. | |
T | mag () const |
Euclidean norm (magnitude). | |
T | mag2 () const |
Squared magnitude. | |
T | max () const |
Maximum element. | |
self_t | max (const self_t &v) const |
Element-wise maximum of two Vec s. | |
T | min () const |
Minimum element. | |
self_t | min (const self_t &v) const |
Element-wise minimum of two Vec s. | |
self_t | mix (const self_t &v, T mix) const |
Linear interpolation. | |
Quat< T > | mult (const Quat< T > &q) const |
Quaternion multiplication. | |
template<typename U> | |
operator Quat< U > () const | |
Cast this Quat to a new coordinate type U . | |
operator Vec< U, N > () const | |
Element typecast. | |
bool | operator!= (const self_t &vv) const |
Inequality test. | |
self_t & | operator*= (const self_t &vv) |
Element-wise multiplication and assignment. | |
self_t & | operator*= (T s) |
Scalar multiplication and assignment. | |
self_t | operator+ (const self_t &v) const |
Element-wise addition. | |
self_t & | operator+= (const self_t &vv) |
Element-wise addition and assignment. | |
self_t | operator- () const |
Negation. | |
self_t | operator- (const self_t &v) const |
Element-wise subtraction. | |
self_t & | operator-= (const self_t &vv) |
Subtraction and assignment. | |
self_t & | operator/= (T s) |
Scalar division and assignment. | |
bool | operator== (const self_t &vv) const |
Equality test. | |
T & | operator[] (index_t idx) |
Vector element access. | |
const T & | operator[] (index_t idx) const |
Vector element access. | |
T | product () const |
Multiply all elements together. | |
self_t | project_on (const self_t &axis) const |
Orthogonal projection to an axis. | |
T | real () const |
The scalar part of this quaternion. | |
self_t | reflect_about (self_t normal) const |
Reflection about a normal. | |
PointType< T, M >::point_t | resized () const |
Resized copy of a vector. | |
Quat< T > | rotation_scale (T t) const |
Interpolate this unit quaternion with the null rotation according to the interpolation parameter 0 <= t <= 1 . | |
self_t | round () const |
Round each element to the nearest integer. | |
self_t | scale (const self_t &v) const |
Element-wise multiplication. | |
self_t | scale (T a) const |
Scalar multiple. | |
index_t | size () const |
The number of elements in this vector. Always equal to N . | |
Quat< T > | slerp (const Quat< T > &q1, T t) const |
Spherical linear interpolation, per Ken Shoemake. Interpolate smoothly between two quaternion orientation states. | |
self_t | sub (const self_t &v) const |
Vector subtraction. | |
T | sum () const |
Sum the elements of the vector. | |
Vec< T, 3 > | to_angular_velocity () const |
Convert this unit quaternion to an angular velocity representation, with the magnitude of the axis representing the rate of rotation in radians. | |
Vec< T, 4 > | to_axis_angle_rotation () const |
Convert this unit quaternion to an axis-angle rotation representation (x, y, z, radians) . | |
self_t | unit () const |
Vector normalization. | |
self_t | with_length (T mag) const |
Compute a vector with the direction of this and a new magnitude mag . | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Quat< T > | identity () |
static Quat< T > | rotation_direction_align (const Vec< T, 3 > &unit_v, const Vec< T, 3 > &unit_align_with) |
Rotation to align one vector with another. | |
static Quat< T > | rotation_from_axis_angle (const Vec< T, 3 > &axis, T radians) |
Rotation quaternion from an axis and angle. | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static constexpr index_t | N |
The dimension of this object. | |
static const self_t | ones |
static const self_t | unit_x |
static const self_t | zeros |
Protected Attributes | |
T | v [N] |
Friends | |
Vec< T, 3 > | operator* (const Quat< T > &q, const Vec< T, 3 > &v) |
Quaternion conjugation, ‘q * v * q’`. | |
Quat< T > | operator* (const Quat< T > &q1, const Quat< T > &q2) |
Quaternion multiplication. | |
Vec< T, 3 > | operator* (const Vec< T, 3 > &v, const Quat< T > &q) |
Quaternion inverse conjugation, q' * v * q. | |
Quaternion class.
(x, y, z)
is the vector part, while w
is the real part. This class differs slightly from convention in that the real part is the last coordinate rather than the first; this scheme was chosen to maintain naming consistency with the rest of the library.
inherited |
The type of a point in this object's space.
An N-vector of T if N > 1, otherwise a T.
inline |
Construct a quaternion from a brace-initialization list. (c++11)
Example: Quat<float> q = {0, 0, 0, 1};
items | A brace-initializer list. |
inlineinherited |
Element-wise absolute value.
such that x[i] = abs(this[i])
. Vector addition.
v | Another vector. |
such that x[i] = this[i] + v[i]
inlineinherited |
Angle between vectors.
v | Another vector. |
and v
, between 0 and pi
inlineinherited |
inlineinherited |
Elastic collision.
Treat this
as a velocity vector or incident ray; this function returns the velocity reflected off of a surface with normal normal
. Convenience for -reflect_about(normal)
normal | Normal of surface to "bounce" on. |
inlineinherited |
Element-wise ceiling function.
such that x[i] = ceil(this[i])
. Element-wise clamp.
lo | Element-wise lower extremes. |
hi | Element-wise upper extremes. |
is clamped between lo[i]
and hi[i]
inlineinherited |
Distance between points.
pt | Another point. |
and pt
inlineinherited |
Distance squared to a point.
pt | Another point. |
and pt
inlineinherited |
Dot product.
v | Another vector. |
with v
inlineinherited |
inlineinherited |
inline |
Quaternion exponential e
by angle 2 * |q|
and a scaling by e
inlineinherited |
Element-wise floor function.
such that x[i] = floor(this[i])
inlineinherited |
Return the component of this
that projects to axis
, as a fraction of axis's length.
axis | An arbitrary basis vector. |
inlineinherited |
Get the element at index idx
idx | Index of element. |
inlineinherited |
Get the element at index idx
idx | Index of element. |
inlineinherited |
Euclidean norm (magnitude).
inlineinherited |
Squared magnitude.
inlineinherited |
Maximum element.
Element-wise maximum of two Vec
v | Another vector. |
such that x[i] = max(this[i], v[i])
inlineinherited |
Minimum element.
Element-wise minimum of two Vec
v | Another vector. |
such that x[i] = min(this[i], v[i])
. Linear interpolation.
A mix parameter of 0 evaluates to this
, while 1 is v
v | Another vector. |
mix | A mixing factor between 0 and 1. |
with v
. Element typecast.
inlineinherited |
Inequality test.
if any corresponding elements of this
and vv
are unequal, false
inlineinherited |
inlineinherited |
Equality test.
if all corresponding elements of this
and vv
are equal, false
inlineinherited |
Vector element access.
idx | Index of element to retrieve. |
inlineinherited |
Vector element access.
idx | Index of element to retrieve. |
. Orthogonal projection to an axis.
axis | A direction vector. |
with magnitude equal to the component of this
aligned with axis
. Reflection about a normal.
normal | Axis of reflection. |
Resized copy of a vector.
M | Dimension of new vector. |
. If M
is larger than N
, the new elements will be set to zero. If M
is 1, then the return type is T
inlinestatic |
Rotation to align one vector with another.
v | Unit vector to align. |
alignWith | Unit direction to align with. |
into alignment with alignWith
inlinestatic |
Rotation quaternion from an axis and angle.
axis | Axis of rotation (not necessesarily a unit vector) |
angle | Angle of rotation in radians |
radians about axis
. Element-wise multiplication.
v | Another vector. |
such that x[i] = this[i] * v[i]
inlineinherited |
Scalar multiple.
a | A constant scale factor. |
such that x[i] = this[i] * a
. Spherical linear interpolation, per Ken Shoemake. Interpolate smoothly between two quaternion orientation states.
q1 | The rotation at t = 1 . |
t | Interpolation parameter between 0 and 1. |
Vector subtraction.
v | Another vector. |
such that x[i] = this[i] - v[i]
inlineinherited |
Vector normalization.
inlineinherited |
Compute a vector with the direction of this
and a new magnitude mag
If this
is the zero vector, it will remain unchanged.
Quaternion conjugation, ‘q * v * q’`.
If q
is a unit quaternion, then q * v
is a rotation of v
by q
Quaternion inverse conjugation, q' * v * q.
If q
is a unit quaternion, then v * q
is a rotation of v
by q